Discover the Difference in Care with Matthew Wright, BSc, MChiro, DC

At Momentum Chiropractic Clinics, we’re dedicated to your wellness journey. Founded in 2010 by principle Chiropractor Matthew Wright, our Newton Abbot and Taunton locations offer a warm, caring environment where patient care takes precedence. With onsite parking and convenient ground-floor access, we provide the latest in testing and clinical procedures to ensure outstanding results.

Contact Us or Book Your Appointment Today!





Newton Abbot & Taunton Chiropractor

Are you in pain? A Chiropractor can help! Momentum Chiropractic Clinic is here for you, we treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions not only Lower back and neck pain.

Throughout the day your body endures a great deal, whether you are an enthusiastic athlete, in a physically demanding job or just living everyday life to the fullest. It’s only natural that your joints, bones and muscles need a little attention from time to time.

We offer pain relief services for a range of symptoms, conditions and musculoskeletal disorders. For everybody who has trouble with painful joints and muscles, we can provide a personalised treatment and rehabilitation plan or training programme to speed up the healing process and keep you in peak fitness for a lifetime.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could perform at your best and enjoy life without constant restrictions?

If you could benefit from chiropractic treatment and you’re looking for a well-regarded, professional chiropractor then contact Momentum Chiropractic Clinic for a Newton Abbot Chiropractor or Taunton Chiropractor. Phone lines are manned 8.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Monday to Friday and 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on Saturdays

Enhancing Wellness Through Chiropractic Expertise

What to expect

Your initial consultation at Momentum Chiropractic Clinic will take approximately an hour. On arrival at the clinic you will be taken to a private room and the chiropractor will then gather details of your presenting complaint. You will then undergo a full physical examination to determine a diagnosis; we will then discuss treatment options. Once you are happy with a treatment plan you are then ready for your first chiropractic treatment. For more information click here.

What to expect

Your initial consultation at Momentum Chiropractic Clinic will take approximately an hour. On arrival at the clinic you will be taken to a private room and the chiropractor will then gather details of your presenting complaint. You will then undergo a full physical examination to determine a diagnosis; we will then discuss treatment options. Once you are happy with a treatment plan you are then ready for your first chiropractic treatment. For more information click here.

What to expect

Your initial consultation at Momentum Chiropractic Clinic will take approximately an hour. On arrival at the clinic you will be taken to a private room and the chiropractor will then gather details of your presenting complaint. You will then undergo a full physical examination to determine a diagnosis; we will then discuss treatment options. Once you are happy with a treatment plan you are then ready for your first chiropractic treatment. For more information click here.



